About the Project
We, Carraigin Power Ltd., are exploring the potential of a renewable energy development in your area, consisting of 2 no. clusters of wind turbines, with one cluster located at Carrigeen and adjacent townlands and the second cluster located at Ballynahowna and adjacent townlands, which we have identified as having potential for a development of approximately 15 no. wind turbines which is likely to have a generating capacity in excess of 50 Mega Watts (MW). Click below image for location map.
Currently it is hoped that a planning application for the proposed development will be ready by Q3 of this year. As the proposal is likely to have a generating capacity of greater than 50 Mega Watts (MW), it is necessary to query with An Bord Pleanála whether the development constitutes Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID). JOD will engage with the Board in this regard and the Board will determine whether the application should be submitted directly to An Bord Pleanála or to Roscommon County Council. We will inform you of the Board’s determination of this matter once it is received.
The development of a community benefit fund has become a fundamental component of all renewable energy projects in recent years. At this stage it is not possible to determine the exact community benefit that will be available as part of this proposal. However, as an example, a 50MW development developed under the current Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS), would attract a community contribution of approximately €300,000 per annum for the first 15 years of operation. The value of this fund would be directly proportional to the electricity generated by the development. The purpose of the fund is to bring about significant positive change to the local area. Further information regarding the potential community benefit fund is available on the project website.
About the Applicant
Carraigin Power Ltd, is an associated company of Enerco Energy Ltd., an Irish-owned, Cork-based company with extensive experience in the design, construction and operation of wind energy developments throughout Ireland, with projects currently operating or in construction in Counties Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Clare, Galway, Mayo and Donegal.
By Q3 2024, Enerco associated companies had over 875 Megawatts (MW) of wind generating capacity in commercial operation or in construction, with a further c.400MW of projects at various stages in its portfolio to assist in meeting Ireland’s renewable energy targets.